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Benoit Bouysset
Master of Arms Degree, 1997, Centre National de Formation à l’Escrime in Chatenay Malabry (Paris), France- Class Valedictorian.
- Lycée International de Houston, Athletic Director, 2018-present.
- Houston Sword Sports, Co-Owner and Coach, 2017-2019.
- USA Men’s Epee National Team Coach, 2012-2015.
- Olympic Training Center, Colorado Springs, CO.,Resident Coach, 2010-2015.
- 2016 Rio Olympic Games, US Men's Epee Individual - Fencer Qualified
- 2015 USA Men’s Epee Team, Pan American Games, Silver Medal- Toronto, Canada
- 2015 USA Women’s Epee Team Pan American Gold medal-Toronto, Canada
- 2012 US Men’s Epee Team, World Cup, Silver medal, Legnano Italy
- 2012 London Olympic Games, Men's Epee - Fencer Qualified (Seth Kelsey 4th place)
- 2012 World Championship, Personal Coach for Seth Kelsey and Cody Mattern (US Men’s Epee Team)- Kiev, Ukraine
- 2010 Fencing World Master World Champion, Men's Epee Individual & Team- Flawil, Switzerland
- 2009 France National Champion, Fencing Master, Epée- Angers, France
- 2008 Gold medal and ‘A’ USFA ranking, Blade Runner-San Diego,California (1st tournament in the US)
- 2002 Fencing Master World Champion, Men's Team Epee- Bad Wildungen, Germany
- United States Fencing Association (USFA)- SafeSport Certified
- United States Fencing Coaches Association (USFCA)
- Academie d’Armes de France (AAF)